What have we been up to?
Well, we have continued to grow, which is great - on average, some 300 new Corporate and Individual registrations a month from all over the world, of varying experience and expertise.
In that time the site has undergone some extensive redevelopment to make the platforms we provide more user friendly and interactive.
Our focus has been on YOU, the International Security and Risk Management Specialist. We aim to help you:
- Build your Company Brand
- Mange your Corporate Reputation
- Enhance your on-line Presence
- Reach the International Security & Risk Management Marketplace
- Generate Sales
Information Services and Customised Content
The principal change has involved the creation of an Information Services function. With so much information floating around the ether on the many diverse subjects relating International Security, it is often difficult and time-consuming to visit the sites you need to gain the updates that are of interest and relevant to you.
To jump this hurdle we have organised the Aprodex Network so that information from across the spectrum can be posted and dissemniated through ONE portal. Content aggrogated and then tagged with the Indexed subjects that are relavent, and this in turn generates email digests to Members who have subscribed to receive information about those specific subjects.
Think of it like this - instead of subscribing to, say, 5 monthly publications, all containing content that is not always relevant, you can subscribe to just ONE publication, and choose the subject matter that interests you. You dont have to go looking for it - it comes to you as and when it is posted. How easy is that?!
We have 6 core Services linked to our information Services Network:
- Job Vacancies
- Forum Comments
- Aprodex in Focus blog for Commentary, Opinion and Analysis
- News Items
- Business Leads
- Featured Services and Events
Members can now select any combination of the above, and then any combination of subjects from across the International Security and Risk Management Sector (via our comprehensive Index), in order to be kept up to date with developments and opportunities in their sphere of interest.
Interactive News Desk
The second improvement we have made is to enable registered Members to link their expertise to global security events as they happen, detailing how they can provide solutions to the reported scenarios. This provides you with the ability to demonstrate where your services can assist, and creates a growing awareness of your corporate brand.
Job Vacancies and SKILLSearch
We have reinstated the ability to upload job vacancies - but removed any associated advertising costs! That's right - all your job vacancies can now be advertised for free. Our SKILLSearch function links those vacancies through our Information Services so that we can target Network Members who have annoted on theri Profiles the desired skill sets you are looking for.
Operating in Complex Security Environments
We have also begun a Networking / BD initiative on the theme of "Operating in Complex Security Environments". Our SPOTLIGHT interviews aim to learn about your company, what you do, the challenges you face, and your opinions on the developing sector. The interactive Network enables stakeholders and 3rd parties to pose questions, and gain further insight into capabilities and potential collaboration.
We hope you like our new improved site - let us know, if not!
We'll continue to post developments and hope to work with you to:
a. Build and promote YOUR Brand
b. Help you source relevant, credible expertise for your operations in high risk, complex security environments
The Aprodex Team
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